Drake Street Bike Path
The City and the Department of Transport are jointly funding this project through the Western Australian Bicycle Network Grants Program to deliver a safe cycling route that connects the Bayswater Train Station with the Morley Activity Centre, and to the Bike Boulevard on May Street, Bayswater. Drake Street was identified as an option as early as 2014, within the City Bike Plan, and validated in the Department of Transport's Long-Term Cycle Network view the Perth network map here.
Project Update
The construction of the bike path is progressing well. We have completed the section from Beechboro Road South to Francis Street and currently concentrating on reinstating the verges in the area.
Completed section of Bike Path from Beechboro Road South to Francis StreetThe bike path from Francis Street to Bay View Street is almost complete with only the line marking to be added and verges to be reinstated.
The section currently under construction is from Bay View Street to Broun Avenue. Whilst we are working in this area of Drake Street it will be closed to through traffic, however residents, Regis Home employees and visitors will have access at all times. We have planned to be complete in this area by the end of February.
The section from Evan Place to Coode Street is also currently under construction, walkers should use the limestone path through the planted area to avoid the construction of this section of bike path. This section should also be complete by the end of February.
The next section to be commenced is from Coode Street to May Street along Hester and Adelphi Streets. It is planned to start this section in the first week of March. Letters will be delivered to affected residents explaining the works and outlining any disruptions to be expected.
Community Engagement
The City has undertaken extensive community engagement, beginning in December 2022, when City representatives knocked on the doors of all 204 properties on the route. Those not home received letters which included a link to provide feedback online. We heard from 98 properties and the data was collated, detailed comments analysed, concerns mapped, and solutions investigated to improve the design. To see a breakdown of the results in more detail click here.
In late 2024 a letter explaining the project and construction details was delivered to all residents on the proposed route. Since that time, the City has endeavoured to keep residents up to date through regular letter-drops and face-to-face engagement. For more information on the bike path, community engagement or the Council decision:
- Email the project manager at bret.howson@bayswater.wa.gov.au
- Call the project team on 9270 4183
The path will consist of two branches. The main branch will begin at Bayswater Train Station and proceed along Drake Street, past Hillcrest Primary School to Broun Avenue, and will effectively link the station to the Morley Activity Centre. A secondary branch will connect Drake Street to the existing bike boulevard/Safe Active Street at the May Street/Adelphi Street intersection via a route along Evans Place, Hester Street and Adelphi Street.
The Design
The design considers a range of complex engineering issues including safety of bike riders and pedestrians, topography, existing trees, and the location of crossovers and power poles. You can view the final design (in sections) in the menu to the right.
In May 2023 Council endorsed the updated Drake Street Bike Path designs and requested that a safe crossing at Broun Avenue be explored as part of the plan. The Council report can be viewed here - Item 10.3.2 pg. 121.
What's next
Construction of the bike path commenced 4 November 2024, with completion still scheduled for April 2025. This will be delivered in 3 sections.
- The first section started in Drake Street, from Beechboro Road South to Evans Place (November 2024 - December 2024)
- The second section is from Drake Street, from Evans Place to Broun Avenue (December 2024 - March 2025).
- The final section of the construction will commence in Hester Street, from Coode Street along Hester and Adelphi Streets to May Street (March 2025 - April 2025).