Bayswater Town Centre Structure Plan
Consultation has concluded
The City prepared a Structure Plan for the Bayswater town centre to provide a framework for the future development and revitalisation of the town centre.
Current project status:
Council resolved to recommend to the Western Australian Planning Commission to approve the Bayswater Town Centre Structure Plan at their Planning and Development Services Committee Meeting dated 8 May 2018 - Item 9.5:
The WAPC subsequently approved the Bayswater Town Centre Structure Plan (see document library)
To view the Bayswater Town Centre Structure Plan and for more information visit the City website via the following link:
The City prepared a Structure Plan for the Bayswater town centre to provide a framework for the future development and revitalisation of the town centre.
Current project status:
Council resolved to recommend to the Western Australian Planning Commission to approve the Bayswater Town Centre Structure Plan at their Planning and Development Services Committee Meeting dated 8 May 2018 - Item 9.5:
The WAPC subsequently approved the Bayswater Town Centre Structure Plan (see document library)
To view the Bayswater Town Centre Structure Plan and for more information visit the City website via the following link:
Project Update 17 January 2019
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.Following Council's adoption of the Structure Plan in May 2018 it was forwarded to the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) for final approval. In light of the Bayswater Train Station Upgrade project, the WAPC deferred making a decision on the structure plan until METRONET had completed the development of the Station Precinct Concept Plan.
The City understands that the Structure Plan is now scheduled to be considered at the Statutory Planning Committee of the WAPC on Tuesday 19 February 2019.
We will provide a further update and information when it is confirmed that the structure plan is on the agenda for that meeting.
Project Update 22 May 2018
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.The Planning and Development Services Committee resolved at their meeting held on 8 May 2018 to adopt the Bayswater Town Centre Structure Plan with modifications. The minutes of the meeting including the officer's report and proposed modifications, is available under Document Library and on the City's website via the following link -
The structure plan documentation and Council minutes have been submitted to the Western Australia Planning Commission (WAPC) for final endorsement. The decision of the WAPC will be made available on this website.
Project Update - May 2018
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.Based on an assessment of information provided by Metronet regarding the proposed redevelopment and upgrading of the Bayswater Train Station, the City decided to finalise the draft Bayswater Town Centre Structure Plan for adoption by Council.
The City has prepared a final adoption report which will be referred to the Planning and Development Services Committee for determination to be held on Tuesday 8 May 2018.
All submissions have been addressed in the officer's report, which can be accessed at -
The Committee meetings are open to the public, will commence at 6:30pm and will be held at:
Council Chambers
City of Bayswater Civic Centre
61 Broun Avenue, Morley
Project Update January 2018
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.Thank you to all who provided a submission on the draft Bayswater Town Centre Structure Plan.
Approximately 180 detailed submissions were received during the advertising period, which the City is currently considering. One of the most frequent comments received was that the progression of the Structure Plan should be put on hold until there is more certainty around what is happening with the planning and upgrading of the Bayswater Train Station.
One of the outcomes from the engagement process is that there is benefit in placing the progression of the Structure Plan on hold to ensure it is consistent with the planning of the Bayswater Train Station. In light of this, the City is postponing the preparation of a report to Council on the matter until mid-2018.
Keep an eye on this page for further updates as they become available.
Have your say on the Draft Structure Plan
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.The City of Bayswater has prepared the draft Bayswater Town Centre Structure Plan to guide future activity and development in the Bayswater Town Centre.
The City is holding two community 'Focus on the Plan' workshops at 6pm on Monday 21 and Friday 25 August 2017 at the Bayswater Drill Hall (Cnr Murray and Crowther Street, Bayswater). The workshops are an opportunity to understand what is proposed in the Structure Plan and discuss it with City officers and other community members. If you are interested in attending, please register your interest and which of the two workshops you will be attending, by using the 'Get Involved' tab, or by clicking here.
Documents setting out and explaining the Structure Plan can be inspected between 8:30am and 4:30pm, Monday to Friday, up to and including 27 September 2017 at the City of Bayswater Civic Centre, Bayswater Library, One Stop Shop at the RISE or on the City's Engagement Website:
Written submissions on the Structure Plan are invited, and may be submitted to the Chief Executive Officer, City of Bayswater, PO Box 467, Morley, WA 6943, via email to or complete the submission form on Engage Bayswater on or before 4:30pm, Wednesday 27 September 2017. You can complete the submission form by using the 'Get Involved' tab or by clicking here.
Draft Structure Plan to Council
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
The draft Bayswater Town Centre Structure Plan has been finalised and a report on the matter at will be presented to the Planning and Development Services Committee meeting to be held on Tuesday 18 July 2017.A copy of the draft Structure Plan and the officer's report can now be accessed via the links below:
Structure Plan - draft for Council - Parts 1 & 2
Appendix 1 - Community & Stakeholder Engagement Plan
Appendix 2 - Engagement Outcomes Report
Appendix 3 - Estimated Dwelling Yields
Appendix 4 - Retail Analysis
Alternatively, it is available on the City's website on the 'Agendas and Minutes 2017' page ( It is the item titled 'Under Separate Cover Item 9.1.10' in the 18 July meeting (Warning: the PDF is about 30MB in size).
The Committee Meeting is open to the public if you are interested in attending, commencing at 6:30pm and held at:
Council Chambers
City of Bayswater Civic Centre
61 Broun Avenue, MorleyThe draft Structure Plan prepared by TPG & Place Match is a culmination of the extensive community and technical input received. This includes feedback from the Project's Community Advisory Group and Technical Advisory Group and two rounds of community workshops attended by almost 150 people.
At this point, Council is considering a draft document and agreeing to the process for consultation on that draft Plan. The community will have a chance to provide feedback before the Structure Plan is finalised.
Bayswater Town Centre Scenario Development Workshops
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.This is your chance to help shape the future of the Bayswater town centre!These workshops will begin with an overview of the outcomes of the Visioning Workshop as well as revisiting the project context objectives of the Bayswater Town Centre Structure Plan. Then, project consultants TPG + Place Match will present the future development scenarios before asking workshop participants to get involved and provide feedback on what they like about the scenarios and what is missing.Two workshops will be held to provide flexibility for participants and both will cover the same topics.To register for the evening workshop on Wednesday 30 November 2016 please click on the following link and enter your details.To register for the morning workshop on Saturday 3 December 2016 please click on the following link and enter your details.
Visioning Workshop
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.The City is happy to announce that the Bayswater Town Centre Structure Plan visioning workshop that was held on the weekend went very well and was attended by over 80 participants. During the workshop the City received some great input from participants and it was positive to see significant consensus regarding the key opportunities and issues facing the town centre.The next workshop will consider the future development scenarios for the town centre and is planned to be held in early December. More details about this workshop will be made available in the coming weeks.
Community Advisory Group Announced - October 2016
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.The City is happy to announce that the Community Advisory Group (CAG) has now been formed to oversee the preparation of the Bayswater Town Centre Structure Plan. The City received a great response ,receiving over 30 nominations from interested residents, businesses and landowners.The following nominees have been selected for the CAG:- Leanne Page
- Elizabeth Cavalli
- Caleb Goods
- Wayne Zilko
- Kevin Howard
- Clare Chamberlain
- Lindsay Dove
- Colin Ward
- Richard Lyster
- Kathryn Jones
The above members will joined on the CAG by several key community groups:- Tessa Hopkins - Bayswater Deserves Better
- Greg Da Rui - Baysie Rollers
- Tony Green - Bayswater City Residents Association
- Greg Smith - Bayswater Urban Tree Network
- Phil Slater - Future Bayswater
- Linda Bullow - Bayswater Historical Society
- Gary Warne - Bayswater Village Traders Association
The City looks forward to building a constructive working relationship with the CAG and wishes to thank all those who took the time to nominate.Finally, a reminder that the Bayswater Town Centre Visioning Workshop is scheduled for 29 October 2016 and that all community members are encouraged to attend. The workshop will look at the key issues and opportunities in the town centre, will consider what makes a great town centre, and will provide opportunities for the community to provide feedback about their future aspirations for the town centre. For more information and to register please click here. -
Help guide the future development of Bayswater town centre - September 2016
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.The City of Bayswater is seeking to work with the local community to develop a structure plan for Bayswater town centre's future development.
As part of the initiative, the City is calling for expressions of interest from residents and business owners who would like to join a Community Advisory Group that will provide a valuable perspective on any proposals that may be considered as the structure plan is being developed.
Deputy Mayor Stephanie Coates said it was important to the success of the structure plan project to be able to access the community's local knowledge and understand their aspirations for the future.
"That way we can ensure the structure plan being developed will be fit for purpose and will contribute to creating an even more liveable community for Bayswater," she said.
"That means planning for walkable, connected neighbourhoods featuring high quality urban design, and ensuring that we protect and enhance Bayswater's heritage and distinctive character."
Deputy Mayor Stephanie Coates said the Bayswater town centre structure plan will guide development in the town centre and ensure that these developments are appropriate in terms of design, scale and location.
"I want to strongly encourage anyone wanting to join the Community Advisory Group to express their interest and get involved," she added.
To express an interest in participating in the Community Advisory Group, visit the City's online consultation portal at
The City is also organising a visioning workshop for the community to help develop the structure plan that will take place at the end of October.
Life Cycle
Register to get involved
Bayswater Town Centre Structure Plan has finished this stageUse the Stay Informed button to subscribe to receive information about how you can be involved with the project.
Community Advisory Group - Expression of Interest
Bayswater Town Centre Structure Plan has finished this stageThe members of the Community Advisory Group (CAG) have been announced.
Community Workshops - Visioning
Bayswater Town Centre Structure Plan has finished this stageCommunity members participated in the Visioning Workshop in the town centre on Saturday 29 October 2016. You can view the workshop presentation here.
Community Workshops - Scenarios and Options
Bayswater Town Centre Structure Plan has finished this stageThe Scenario Development Workshops looked at two main development scenarios for the future of the Bayswater town centre and were well attended by members of the community.
You can view the power point presentation from the workshops here.
Draft structure plan prepared based on community and technical input
Bayswater Town Centre Structure Plan has finished this stage -
Draft structure plan advertised
Bayswater Town Centre Structure Plan has finished this stage -
Final structure plan considered by Council
Bayswater Town Centre Structure Plan has finished this stage -
Final structure plan considered by the WAPC
Bayswater Town Centre Structure Plan is currently at this stage
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