Why do we have a Strategic Community Plan?

     All Local Governments in WA are required to have a ten-year SCP developed with the community.  It is the driver for other City plans and strategies, including our Corporate Business Plan and Long Term Financial Plan.

    Why review the Strategic Community Plan?

    The SCP is not meant to be a static document. A major review allows us to check in with our community as it changes and grows,  to ensure we understand their vision and priorities, and current trends and influences what is important to them.  It is also a legislative requirement that a full review is conducted every four years with a desktop review every two years. The last review undertaken of the SCP was a major review that concluded in May 2021.

    How is community input used to inform the SCP?

    Community engagement (visioning) is the first step in the SCP process, and it is proposed it be undertaken between March and July 2024. Outputs will form the basis of internal stakeholder engagement to take place throughout July and August, leading to the adoption of the SCP in the third or fourth quarter of 2024/25.

    How does the Strategic Community Plan fit into broader planning and reporting?

    The development and review of a SCP is a statutory requirement of the State Government’s Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework

    The Corporate Business Plan activates the Strategic Community Plan by integrating resourcing plans and specific Council plans with the Strategic Community Plan.