Shape Baysie 2024 - Major Review Strategic Community Plan

Get involved to Help Shape the Future of our City

What is the Strategic Community Plan?

The Strategic Community Plan (SCP) is the framework that guides everything we do at the City of Bayswater and ensures decision making is in line with community vision and priorities. For more information about the review see the FAQs. To view the City's current Strategic Community Plan click here.

Community engagement (visioning) is the first step in the SCP major review process, and will be undertaken in a number of phases. This approach allows us to build our knowledge and deepen our understanding as we move through the project.

To be kept up to date please follow the project - using the STAY INFORMED button on the menu.

Community Engagement

In Phase 1: Broad Community & Business Engagement. We asked two main questions to understand what sort of place you want the City of Bayswater to be and what you think we should be focusing on over the next 10 years.

Phase 2: Focused Engagement (May - June 2024) This consisted of a number of focus groups and business interviews to take a deeper dive into the outcomes from the broad engagement.

Phase 3: Internal Engagement and Councillor workshops. This is undertaken to ensure that the plan incorporates critical shifts and opportunities across the City's service areas and that

What's next

The City, in close partnership with Council, will develop the draft SCP based on the outcomes of both the community and internal stakeholder engagement . The Draft SCP 2025-2035 will be presented to Council at it's April 2025 OCM, with a recommendation to advertise for feedback.

Get involved to Help Shape the Future of our City

What is the Strategic Community Plan?

The Strategic Community Plan (SCP) is the framework that guides everything we do at the City of Bayswater and ensures decision making is in line with community vision and priorities. For more information about the review see the FAQs. To view the City's current Strategic Community Plan click here.

Community engagement (visioning) is the first step in the SCP major review process, and will be undertaken in a number of phases. This approach allows us to build our knowledge and deepen our understanding as we move through the project.

To be kept up to date please follow the project - using the STAY INFORMED button on the menu.

Community Engagement

In Phase 1: Broad Community & Business Engagement. We asked two main questions to understand what sort of place you want the City of Bayswater to be and what you think we should be focusing on over the next 10 years.

Phase 2: Focused Engagement (May - June 2024) This consisted of a number of focus groups and business interviews to take a deeper dive into the outcomes from the broad engagement.

Phase 3: Internal Engagement and Councillor workshops. This is undertaken to ensure that the plan incorporates critical shifts and opportunities across the City's service areas and that

What's next

The City, in close partnership with Council, will develop the draft SCP based on the outcomes of both the community and internal stakeholder engagement . The Draft SCP 2025-2035 will be presented to Council at it's April 2025 OCM, with a recommendation to advertise for feedback.

Page last updated: 11 Feb 2025, 12:35 PM