What is considered when developing these traffic management plans?

    The City gathers data (traffic numbers and speeds, crash data, etc.), and has data from the 2017 traffic study, however input from residents on the ground is critical.

    Additionally, an important consideration is what effect a treatment will have on the surrounding area. Whilst a treatment may provide positive benefits in the street it is placed in, it may result in negative benefits in nearby streets. We need to consider the interests of the residents in the area collectively, which is why this program looks at implementing a cohesive network of treatments to make all local streets safer.

    Why is the City doing this project?

    The City is developing a plan in recognition of the concerns of residents in relation to traffic management in the area. The idea is to calm traffic across a whole neighbourhood.

    When will the traffic treatments be implemented?

    There are many factors impacting the delivery times of projects like this. During two rounds of consultation with the residents of the affected area, the plan is refined and then presented to Council. Once approved, the construction contract goes to tender. 

    There is currently a very high demand for tradespeople in WA, which impacts delivery timelines. As the summer months are the busiest times for contractors, the City plans its projects for delivery in/ around winter.

    What if I don't want any treatments in my street?

    You have the opportunity to let us know in the second stage of community engagement. We ask residents to tell us their thoughts about the specific treatments proposed to suit the issues we heard about in the first phase.

    Keep in mind that we need to consider the input from all residents in the area, along with other considerations, when identifying necessary treatments.