Maylands Brickworks Reactivation 2017
Consultation has concluded
The City of Bayswater worked collaboratively with the Heritage Directorate of the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH) to try to reactivate the former Maylands Brickworks heritage buildings.
In Stage 1 of the project the DPLH focused on investigating the condition and repair needs of the buildings, and the feasibility of finding new uses for them.
During Stage 1, the Department sought your comments and ideas on the future of the site including your feedback on four draft reactivation concepts. The concepts were supplied to indicate what might be feasible in terms of sustainable reuse and to prompt community discussion around the topic. None of these concepts have been endorsed by the City of Bayswater.
The DPLH finalised the Maylands Brickworks Feasibility Study which is available in the document library .
At the Ordinary Council Meeting held 28 May 2019, Council resolved not to support proceeding with any of the options proposed by the Heritage Directorate. A copy of the minutes is available in the document library.
Thank you for your interest in this project!
The City of Bayswater worked collaboratively with the Heritage Directorate of the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH) to try to reactivate the former Maylands Brickworks heritage buildings.
In Stage 1 of the project the DPLH focused on investigating the condition and repair needs of the buildings, and the feasibility of finding new uses for them.
During Stage 1, the Department sought your comments and ideas on the future of the site including your feedback on four draft reactivation concepts. The concepts were supplied to indicate what might be feasible in terms of sustainable reuse and to prompt community discussion around the topic. None of these concepts have been endorsed by the City of Bayswater.
The DPLH finalised the Maylands Brickworks Feasibility Study which is available in the document library .
At the Ordinary Council Meeting held 28 May 2019, Council resolved not to support proceeding with any of the options proposed by the Heritage Directorate. A copy of the minutes is available in the document library.
Thank you for your interest in this project!
Maylands Brickworks Feasibility Study - Consideration by Council
At the Ordinary Council Meeting held 28 May 2019 Council considered the Heritage Directorate's Maylands Brickworks Feasibility Study. Council resolved as follows:"That Council:- Notes the Maylands Brickworks Feasibility Study report dated May 2019.
- Does not support proceeding with Concept F - Golf course clubhouse adaptation of the Brickworks Kiln with works to Pugmill / Drying Shed to be deferred as recommended in the Maylands Brickworks Feasibility Study report.
- Terminates the Reactivation of the Maylands Brickworks project with the Heritage Directorate of the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage.
- To request the Chief Executive Officer to consider alternate uses to reactivate the Maylands Brickworks for community uses, specifically excluding residential uses and prepares a business case for consideration to progress further studies relating to these alternate uses as part of the 2020/21 budget process.
- Requests the Chief Executive Officer to investigate external sources of funding to undertake the remaining conservation works identified in the Maylands Brickworks Conservation Management Plan and incorporate this into the Long Term Financial Plan.
- Requests the Chief Executive Officer to provide an additional report to Council to prepare a scheme amendment to the City's Town Planning Scheme 24 to rezone the Brickworks Lake area as generally indicated in Concept F of the Feasibility Study to "Local Public Open Space" (instead of "Medium and High Density Residential R40")."
Maylands Brickworks Feasibility Study
The Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH) released the final Maylands Brickworks Feasibility Study on 21 May 2019.
The document investigated six options for the reactivation of the Brickworks and considered them in relation to financial feasibility, outcomes of the community consultation, an assessment of other similar case studies and the project principles. In light of the assessment the DPLH recommended that the City proceed with Option F - Golf course clubhouse adaption of the Brickworks Kiln with works to the Pugmill / Drying Shed to be deferred. A copy of the feasibility study is available here.
The Feasibility Study is programmed to be considered by Council at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 28 May 2019. Council will determine whether to proceed with the recommended option, proceed with a different option considered by the DPLH or to terminate the project.
Project Update
Thank you again for your continued interest in the Maylands Brickworks Reactivation Project.
As mentioned in the previous update a copy of the final 'Maylands Brickworks Community Engagement Survey Results' report is available to the public. Please refer to the attached Documents Library.
The DPLH is also in the process of completing a further report to the City of Bayswater, covering all the elements of the project brief including financial feasibility. This report has not been provided to the City yet and the DPLH does not have a timeline for its release.
Please keep an eye on this website for any further updates.
Community Engagement Survey Results
Thank you again for your interest in the Maylands Brickworks Reactivation Project, and for taking the time to make a submission during the community engagement period in February-March 2018.
The City is pleased to inform you that a total of 476 people submitted questionnaire-returns to the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DLPH) during the consultation period in February and March of this year, and another five made email submissions to the City of Bayswater which was forwarded onto the DPLH. All of the data received has been forwarded to and collated by the DPLH and then analysed and verified by an independent market research group. Of these submissions 88% of respondents said that they support the repair and reactivation of the Maylands Brickworks as a heritage place and local amenity, whilst 6% said they opposed it.
A copy of the final 'Maylands Brickworks Community Engagement Survey Results' report is now available to the public. Please refer to the attached Documents Library. Hard copies of the document are also available to view at the City's Civic Centre and the Maylands Library at the RISE.
The DPLH is in the process of completing a further report to the City of Bayswater, covering all the elements of the project brief including financial feasibility. Both reports will be considered by the City and presented to a future Planning and Development Services Committee meeting in October/November of this year.
Outcomes of consultation
The Heritage Directorate has advised that they will provide the City with the outcomes of the consultation within the next few weeks. The matter will then be referred to a Councillor Workshop for discussion and subsequently reported to the Planning and Development Services Committee, which is anticipated to be at the 11 September 2018 Committee meeting.
Please keep an eye on this page for any further updates.
Community Information Sessions in Pictures
Check out the pictures from the two Community Information Sessions at the Maylands Brickworks site during February. Attendees got to walk the grounds and go inside the kiln! State Heritage and City of Bayswater strategic planners were there to answer any questions about the redevelopment and engagement process. Thank you to all who attended.
Stay Informed
Thank you to all those who registered your interest via the Stay Informed tool. If you did not receive an email alerting you of the community engagement process please contact the Community Engagement team on 08 9272 0991.
Document Library
Heritage Directorate - Maylands Brickworks Feasibility Study (43 MB) (pdf)
OCM Minutes 28 May 2019 (23 MB) (pdf)
Maylands Brickworks - Engagement Plan (1000 KB) (pdf)
Extract - Planning and Development Services Committee minutes - 5 December 2017 (1.7 MB) (pdf)
Extract - Council meeting minutes - 23 May 2017 (1.27 MB) (pdf)
Maylands Brickworks land ownership plan (374 KB) (pdf)
Maylands Brickworks zoning plan (444 KB) (pdf)
Maylands Brickworks Survey Results (1.62 MB) (pdf)
Conservation Management Plan (10.7 MB) (pdf)
May 2017
Maylands Brickworks Reactivation 2017 has finished this stageCouncil resolved to support the initiation of the preparation of concept plans and feasibility study by the Heritage Directorate, subject to community engagement.
November 2017
Maylands Brickworks Reactivation 2017 has finished this stagePreliminary concept ideas presented by the Heritage Directorate to a Councillor Workshop.
December 2017
Maylands Brickworks Reactivation 2017 has finished this stageCouncil adopted the process for the community engagement to commence in February 2018
December 2017 - January 2018
Maylands Brickworks Reactivation 2017 has finished this stageConcept designs and information packages are prepared by the Heritage Directorate ready for the community engagement process.
February - March 2018
Maylands Brickworks Reactivation 2017 has finished this stageCommunity engagement for the Maylands Brickworks Reactivation project. Keep up to date with future engagement activities by subscribing to this page.
Mid 2018
Maylands Brickworks Reactivation 2017 is currently at this stageThe project team review the feedback received and report the outcomes to advise Council and the Heritage Council. The project team will report back to the community on key outcomes.