Building Bayswater
Consultation has concluded
Building Bayswater allowed you to share your thoughts, ideas and expectations on how Council should respond to the challenges and opportunities of new development within the City of Bayswater, as well as to examine future housing types, design innovation and the interface between the public and private realm.
Thanks to everyone who attended one of the 12 focus groups and pop up discussions or completed the online mapping tool.
We appreciate your involvement! By getting involved you are helping us to explore the future and create the best possible outcomes for your neighbourhood.
Building Bayswater will help inform the City’s Local Planning Strategy, which guides how our City develops into the future.
Building Bayswater allowed you to share your thoughts, ideas and expectations on how Council should respond to the challenges and opportunities of new development within the City of Bayswater, as well as to examine future housing types, design innovation and the interface between the public and private realm.
Thanks to everyone who attended one of the 12 focus groups and pop up discussions or completed the online mapping tool.
We appreciate your involvement! By getting involved you are helping us to explore the future and create the best possible outcomes for your neighbourhood.
Building Bayswater will help inform the City’s Local Planning Strategy, which guides how our City develops into the future.
Draft Local Planning Strategy - Consideration by Council
The outcomes of the Building Bayswater process have been used to inform the draft Local Planning Strategy (LPS). The draft LPS has now been finalised and is to be considered by Council at the Ordinary Council Meeting to be held 30 April 2019.
A copy of the agenda is available on the City's website at the following link
Building Bayswater - Winner of a 2018 Planning Excellence Award
The City of Bayswater are proud to have won a 2018 Planning Excellence Award in the 'public engagement and community planning' category, alongside planning consultants Shape Urban for our Building Bayswater Project..
Presented by the Planning Institute of Australia, the awards aim to recognise excellence in planning. Thank you again to the community members who gave up their time and participated in the project!
Building Bayswater Recommendations
From online surveys and focus groups to the community panel – we appreciate your thoughts, ideas and expectations on how Council should respond to the challenges and opportunities of new development within the City. Your contributions were vital in developing the Building Bayswater recommendations report, which is now available in the document library
The report translates the outcomes of Building Bayswater to recommendations for the City’s Local Planning Strategy regarding residential built form elements; your recommendations directly inform the City’s inaugural Local Planning Strategy
Building Bayswater engagement wraps up
The Building Bayswater conversation with the community on expectations, thoughts and ideas on how new development might occur across the City of Bayswater has now concluded.
The community engagement program included surveys, pop up events and focus groups, culminating with the City’s first ever Community Panel.
Over two days, the Community Panel heard the thoughts, ideas and feedback that arose during the broader engagement, and from a series of industry professionals on relevant topics.
The discussion was designed to allow the Community Panel to make recommendations to Council that can be used in developing residential built form elements of the City’s Local Planning Strategy.
You can read a summary of the engagement process, what people had to say and the outcomes in the document library.
A report is being prepared for Council on the recommendations from this process to inform the preparation of the Local Planning Srategy.
Community Panel - Day 1
Thanks to everyone who has been involved in Building Bayswater. We’ve collected interesting thoughts, ideas and feedback throughout the process, which included online mapping, focus groups, an online forum and a Community Panel.
On Saturday 24 February, the Community Panel heard from a diverse range of presenters covering a variety of topics including heritage, green space, design, built form and other industry trends.
The presentations from Day 1 are now available in the document library.
The second and final Community Panel day on 10 March, provides an opportunity for community members, to weigh up the variety of evidence presented, to think it through, to deliberate, and to make recommendations to Council on the built form component of the Local Planning Strategy.
Building Bayswater Engagement Summary
The final stage of the Building Bayswater engagement process starts this weekend with the first day of the Community Panel.
The Community Panel will take place across two days (24 February and 10 March) and is comprised of randomly selected members of the community.
Over the two days, the Panel will hear from a series of industry professionals on relevant topics; and the thoughts, ideas and feedback that arose during the broader engagement. This has been collected and compiled into an Engagement Report which is now available in the Document Library.
This report summarises the Building Bayswater events, engagement activities and outcomes.
The discussion is designed to bring the Community Panel to make a series of recommendations to be used in the City’s Local Planning Strategy with regard to the residential built form elements.
Building Bayswater Online Forum
On Saturday 10 February we hosted a Building Bayswater online forum.
We had 72 participants from across the City discussing a range of topics, themes and ideas that arose in the broader engagement.
Some of the comments and advice that were put forward for the panel to consider include (verbatim):
- The Council needs to encourage quality design, as this can have a massive impact on how a community interacts and feels.
- Developments need to have appropriate parking and green spaces for the amount of occupants.
- Good Design Guidelines Including multi-storey being set back in upper storeys, underground parking that enables gardens over the top, balconies, sound proofing, double glazing.
- Plan for population growth by looking into focused development. Develop rules that manages this development in an environmentally and socially sensitive manner and keep consulting the residents for future developments.
- Plan and design for future generations not just the current residents. Also for those who want to 'age in place' i.e. stay in the suburb that is their home but move to smaller, manageable places that are convenient to shops and transport rather than having to move out of the suburb they've lived in for years. Also plan for the environment and community.
- My advice would be to not let the Developers have a free hand and change this area to back to back buildings with no open space left. City of Bayswater's appeal is the many Parks, rivers and playing areas and hopefully retain its character.
Thanks to everyone who participated! If you want to know more about the Building Bayswater process then please check out the Building Bayswater video.
Building Bayswater Community Panel
The next step in Building Bayswater is the Community Panel.
This will occur over two days - 24 February and 10 March - at the City's Administration building.
The Panel will ultimately work together/deliberate and make a recommendation to the City
What is the Community Panel?
The Community Panel will be representative sample of individuals that reflect our community, randomly selected to form a panel which deliberates on the outcomes of the Community Engagement Campaign.
In this panel process, all inputs and outputs are fully transparent and available, and the randomly selected panellists are a selection of the very demographic affected by the decision. In this way, the decisions made can be shown to be genuine and without any selection bias.
The panel will hear technical advice and feedback from key community groups where relevant. The process will be undertaken in a fully transparent environment, being recorded and potentially undertaken in front of a public gallery. The panel will ultimately work together/deliberate and make a recommendation to the City.
How is the Community Panel selected?
Recruitment and final selection of panellists for the Engagement Panel is a multi-step process commencing with the selection of an appropriately skilled consultant who is responsible for ensuring that the process is transparent and independent. We have chosen to use Deliberately Engaging, an organisation that undertakes selection processes across the country link)
The Consultant uses a database of all addresses/names and then uses the random function in Microsoft Excel to select 10,000 individual addressees. The 10,000 are invited to express interest in participating on the panel by registering. Stratification goals are set including age, gender and location and then the interested registrants are sorted and filtered, again by the random function in Microsoft Excel, to ensure that the final selection includes the relevant number of people within each of the stratification categories.
Finally, the selected participants are advised. Only in the few days before the Panel commences are the City and the Facilitators given the panellist details. This is to ensure that the independence of the process is true right up until the panel start date, and also helps our facilitators to go into the Panel with no preconceived ideas.
Building Bayswater Update
Thanks to everyone who got involved in the broad community engagement phase of Building Bayswater including the focus groups, quick polls and online mapping.
The next stage of the Building Bayswater engagement process is the Community Panel.
There has been a lot of interest in the panel, with 314 expressions of interest (EOI) received from the 10,000 randomly selected community members invited to participate.
Our Community Panel is limited to 40 members, so to involve as many of those 314 community members as possible, we have added on more engagement activity to our process.
Everyone who expressed an interest in the panel has been invited to participate in an online discussion forum about the themes and ideas that arouse from the broader community engagement. The online forum allows for a complex discussion in which participants can express ideas and values and respond by commenting or rating the ideas and values expressed by others in the online forum.
The information gathered in the forum will be presented as part of the Community Panel on 24 February and 10 March 2018.
The final 40 panel members were chosen by an independent selector as a stratified random sample representing the City’s demographics.
Building Bayswater Focus Groups
Thanks to everyone that has been involved in Building Bayswater Focus Groups.
Our last few focus groups were held last week:
- Monday 4 December at the City’s Administration Centre
- Wednesday 6 December at Morley Galleria
- Thursday 7 December at Maylands Autumn Centre
Don't forget that you still have an opportunity to get involved! You can answer the quick polls about the emerging themes from our Building Bayswater discussions.
Engagement Image Gallery
Document Library
Recommendations Report
Community Engagement Summary
Building Bayswater Community Engagement Summary (361 KB) (pdf)
Attachment 1 - Building Bayswater Building Types (3.04 MB) (pdf)
Attachment 2 - Building Bayswater Community Engagement Summary (3.51 MB) (pdf)
Attachment 3 - Building Bayswater Online Forum Report (711 KB) (pdf)
Attachment 4 - Building Bayswater Community Panel Summary (5.24 MB) (pdf)
Building Bayswater Information
Community Panel Day 1 Presentations
Community Panel Day 1 (3.16 MB) (pdf)
Greg Smith, Bayswater Urban Tree Network (1.46 MB) (pdf)
Paul Shanahan, Future Bayswater (352 KB) (pdf)
Jacqui Stone, Department of Planning, Lands, Heritage (715 KB) (pdf)
Trent Woods, Officer Woods Architect (7.13 MB) (pdf)
Julian Bolleter, Urban Design Research Centre (2.96 MB) (pdf)
Bernard Seeber, Bernard Seeber Architects (11.6 MB) (pdf)
Key Dates
October 2017
Building Bayswater has finished this stageRegister your interest to host a Building Bayswater Focus Group and stay informed on activities, events and the latest quick polls.
Late October 2017
Building Bayswater has finished this stageBuilding Bayswater community engagement begins.
November – December 2017
Building Bayswater has finished this stageVarious community engagement opportunities to gather ideas, expectations and possible actions.
11 Focus Groups & Pop Ups (Completed)
Online Mapping Survey (Closes 20 December)
Quick Polls (Close 20 December)
December 2017 - January 2018
Building Bayswater has finished this stageContributions close on 20 December for evaluation and review. The Project team will report back on key outcomes.
10 February
Building Bayswater has finished this stageOnline discussion forum for the randomly selected community members that expressed an interest in the Community Panel
20 February 2018
Building Bayswater has finished this stageCommunity Engagement Summary available on Engage Bayswater.
24 February and 10 March 2018
Building Bayswater has finished this stageRandomly selected Community Panel deliberates on community's input and contributions.
Broader community input concludes. -
March - April 2018
Building Bayswater is currently at this stageRecommendations provided to the City to help inform the built form component of the Local Planning Strategy.