What is your address?
Maximum 255 characters
How do your children usually travel to school?
Please look again at the routes in the picture:
Which colour route do your children usually take to school?
How safe do you consider this route?
Very Unsafe
Very safe
Please tell us more about your rating above.
Do you have a new suggestion for a safe route?
How often did your child/children get to local places (including school) in the past week?
Would you support your child/children getting to school by...
Please tell us a little more about your answer above.
How often do you...
How strongly do you agree/ disagree with the following:
Please add any other general comments, ideas or problems.
The City strives to undertake community engagement to a high standard. We would appreciate feedback on your experience of the engagement within this project.
Please rate your experience of the following elements:
How could we do better?