Let's talk – Strategic Community Plan Review
Consultation has concluded

In order to plan for the City's future, we are undertaking a minor review of the Community Strategic Plan 2017-2027. As part of the review we want to hear from you about how we’re doing, where we can improve and what the City's priorities should be in the future.
What is the Strategic Community Plan?
Essentially, the Strategic Community Plan (SCP) is a shared plan of action with the community to capture future priorities and expectations of the City. These priorities will be used to set direction, aid budget decisions and resource allocations in the years to come. You can view the 2017-2027 Strategic Community Plan here.
Why review it?
The development and review of a SCP is a statutory requirement of the State Government’s Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework. The Local Government Act requires the SCP to have a minor review every two years and a full review every four years to ensure it's relevance and responsiveness.
What's next?
Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the draft document, 'Roadmap for building a better Bayswater'. At it's meeting on 9 April Council endorsed the minor review of the Strategic Community plan. The Roadmap for a Better Bayswater summarises the review and sets future direction for the City.
You can still access the draft document in the document library, along with the Community Engagement Outcomes Report, providing you with an overview of the process and what you told us during the community engagement phase.