Play Space Strategy
Consultation has concluded

The City has developed a strategy to guide the current and future provision of play spaces. This strategy was endorsed by Council at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 9 July 2019. You can have a read of the document here.
How did we develop the strategy?
We reviewed all of our current play spaces and considered different ways of providing play experiences to the community in the future. We asked the community what their favourite play spaces are, which parks they like to go to and their ideas for future improvement.
An extensive community engagement campaign was conducted in September and October 2018 including school engagements, an online interactive mapping tool and series of workshops. Thank you to all members of the community who told us about how they like to use their local parks. We greatly appreciate the feedback which has been used to inform the strategy and prioritise future works in play spaces.
A snapshot of findings from the school engagement program conducted in September has been uploaded to the Document Library of this page for those interested to see what primary school children in Bayswater told us about play spaces. In addition, a snapshot of findings from the remaining community engagement is also available in the Document Library.
At the Ordinary Council Meeting held on Tuesday 26 March 2019, the draft Play Space Strategy was approved for community feedback. The minutes of the meeting can be found here.
At this meeting Council specifically requested that the Play Space Strategy is to include fully accessible pathways in all of the City's Play Spaces and an action to develop a long-term program to progressively shade all the City’s playgrounds through the use of shade sails and/or the planting of large canopy trees close to play equipment. You will note that Accessible Pathways and Shade is provided in all park types listed.
Community feedback on the draft strategy was positive and comments were noted. Thank you to the sixteen people who submitted their feedback and to all those who downloaded the draft and had a read.
The draft was finalised and Council endorsed the Play Space Strategy on 9 July 2019. You can find the report in the Council minutes here.
What's next?
We would like to say a HUGE thank you to everybody who participated in the engagement process to inform the Play Space Strategy. Your feedback is greatly appreciated and has been pivotal in shaping the strategy. Play is important to everyone and through the strategy we aim to deliver a greater variety of play experiences for the whole community in the future.
We continue to plan the Play Space Redevelopment Program each year, which is informed by community engagement. Further information on the sites to be redeveloped and engagement opportunities will be released on the Play Space Redevelopment Program page on Engage Bayswater.
For more information please contact Lucy Griffiths on 9272 0905 or at
How can I get involved?
Keep an eye on the Play Space Redevelopment Program page for the latest updates.
Need to find your local park on the map? Click here to visit our City Maps Gallery on the City’s website