Retaining Walls Local Planning Policy Modifications

Consultation has concluded.


At the Ordinary Meeting of Council 30 April 2024, Council approved amendments to the City’s Retaining Walls Local Planning Policy for purposes of public advertising. The proposed modifications are summarised below and the report is available here.

The City is now asking for feedback from the community to understand the level of support for the revised Retaining Walls Local Planning Policy.

What modifications are proposed?

Key modifications to the existing policy include

  • Updates to reflect current R-Codes,
  • New provisions for retaining walls within non-residential zones (including but not limited to commercial and industrial developments)
  • Updates to the policy format and improved readability.

In addition, four new objectives have been added to the policy. The objectives are consistent with the purpose of the policy and reinforce that it:

  1. Ensures a transparent and consistent approach for assessing site works including retaining walls and fill for residential development and non-residential development
  2. Provides site and development requirements that consider the range of properties with varying site level gradients
  3. Ensures non-residential development responds to the local context and is street-orientated that integrates with surrounding areas, and
  4. Ensures non-residential development that considers and responds to the natural features of the site and requires minimal excavation/fill.

Please note: any amendments made to the policy will not apply retrospectively.

Further information including a full summary of amendments made are included in the report made to Council, at its Ordinary Council Meeting on 30 April 2024. Consultation is now closed.

Council at its Ordinary Meeting held 22 October 2024 adopted the revised Retaining Walls Policy. Minutes are available here.


At the Ordinary Meeting of Council 30 April 2024, Council approved amendments to the City’s Retaining Walls Local Planning Policy for purposes of public advertising. The proposed modifications are summarised below and the report is available here.

The City is now asking for feedback from the community to understand the level of support for the revised Retaining Walls Local Planning Policy.

What modifications are proposed?

Key modifications to the existing policy include

  • Updates to reflect current R-Codes,
  • New provisions for retaining walls within non-residential zones (including but not limited to commercial and industrial developments)
  • Updates to the policy format and improved readability.

In addition, four new objectives have been added to the policy. The objectives are consistent with the purpose of the policy and reinforce that it:

  1. Ensures a transparent and consistent approach for assessing site works including retaining walls and fill for residential development and non-residential development
  2. Provides site and development requirements that consider the range of properties with varying site level gradients
  3. Ensures non-residential development responds to the local context and is street-orientated that integrates with surrounding areas, and
  4. Ensures non-residential development that considers and responds to the natural features of the site and requires minimal excavation/fill.

Please note: any amendments made to the policy will not apply retrospectively.

Further information including a full summary of amendments made are included in the report made to Council, at its Ordinary Council Meeting on 30 April 2024. Consultation is now closed.

Council at its Ordinary Meeting held 22 October 2024 adopted the revised Retaining Walls Policy. Minutes are available here.