Morley Station Precinct Structure Plan


The Morley Station area is set to become an important central point in our community. The City knows this area has a lot of potential and has been working hard to make sure its growth follows modern city planning trends and delivers on community aspirations. In 2021 Metronet prepared the Morley Station Precinct CONCEPT MASTER PLAN; a big-picture plan for the area around the new train station.

It is now time to get into the specifics and the finer detail. The City of Bayswater has commenced work to guide future development of the neighbourhood around the new train station; to enable more housing, local business opportunities and public open space upgrades. To achieve this the City of Bayswater will develop a detailed structure plan for the Morley Station area.

This Morley Station Precinct Structure Plan will help define what the future of the area will look like, including what kind of buildings will be there, how the land will be used, how many people will live there, and what important facilities will be included. We want to ensure this area becomes a lively, comfortable, and connected part of our neighbourhood.

The City has engaged consultant Hames Sharley to prepare the Precinct Structure Plan, and technical investigations commenced in late 2023 to inform the local traffic and transport management, noise impact, local water management, heritage and infrastructure servicing strategies. These will be ongoing until finalisation of the Precinct Structure Plan.


It is essential to hear from the community and businesses to draw on their inspiration to shape a neighbourhood for current and future residents.

In March 2024 we held two community workshops, and got some great feedback on how things should look a and feel, and what activities participants would like to see more of. At the workshops, they were asked to consider how can we work together to make future development occur in a way that makes the Morley Station Precinct a better place for everyone.

At the workshops, the participants considered different elements that make up a Precinct Structure Plan. From this, the project team prepared ‘principles’ that we think reflect the feedback received. To make sure we translated what the community told us correctly, we asked questions centered on the feedback provided at the workshops via an online survey. The survey sought to understand the community's level of support for the principles. 143 responses were received from the community.


Now the community engagement phase is completed, the consultants will finalise the concept design and prepare a draft Precinct Structure Plan. The draft plan will be considered by Council and is likely to be publicly advertised in the first half of 2025.


Please follow the project to receive updates by clicking on the ‘Subscribe’ button on the right.


The Morley Station area is set to become an important central point in our community. The City knows this area has a lot of potential and has been working hard to make sure its growth follows modern city planning trends and delivers on community aspirations. In 2021 Metronet prepared the Morley Station Precinct CONCEPT MASTER PLAN; a big-picture plan for the area around the new train station.

It is now time to get into the specifics and the finer detail. The City of Bayswater has commenced work to guide future development of the neighbourhood around the new train station; to enable more housing, local business opportunities and public open space upgrades. To achieve this the City of Bayswater will develop a detailed structure plan for the Morley Station area.

This Morley Station Precinct Structure Plan will help define what the future of the area will look like, including what kind of buildings will be there, how the land will be used, how many people will live there, and what important facilities will be included. We want to ensure this area becomes a lively, comfortable, and connected part of our neighbourhood.

The City has engaged consultant Hames Sharley to prepare the Precinct Structure Plan, and technical investigations commenced in late 2023 to inform the local traffic and transport management, noise impact, local water management, heritage and infrastructure servicing strategies. These will be ongoing until finalisation of the Precinct Structure Plan.


It is essential to hear from the community and businesses to draw on their inspiration to shape a neighbourhood for current and future residents.

In March 2024 we held two community workshops, and got some great feedback on how things should look a and feel, and what activities participants would like to see more of. At the workshops, they were asked to consider how can we work together to make future development occur in a way that makes the Morley Station Precinct a better place for everyone.

At the workshops, the participants considered different elements that make up a Precinct Structure Plan. From this, the project team prepared ‘principles’ that we think reflect the feedback received. To make sure we translated what the community told us correctly, we asked questions centered on the feedback provided at the workshops via an online survey. The survey sought to understand the community's level of support for the principles. 143 responses were received from the community.


Now the community engagement phase is completed, the consultants will finalise the concept design and prepare a draft Precinct Structure Plan. The draft plan will be considered by Council and is likely to be publicly advertised in the first half of 2025.


Please follow the project to receive updates by clicking on the ‘Subscribe’ button on the right.

Page last updated: 19 Nov 2024, 02:22 PM