Local Planning Strategy

Consultation has concluded


The Local Planning Strategy will enable the City to plan for the future (in identified areas) and further investigate zoning changes to facilitate growth through amendments to its Town Planning Scheme and the development of Structure Plans/ Precinct Plans over the next 10+ years.

The strategy considers housing diversity, demographics, transport and infrastructure, employment and the economy, community infrastructure, and the natural environment; and their impact on providing for 15,750 additional dwellings by 2050. The strategy directs growth to preferred areas (in activity centres, around train stations, and other areas where increased activity may be viable) that were mapped during the Building Bayswater Community Engagement between 2017 and 2018, and that have been directed by the State Government between 2018 and 2023. These have also been shaped by changes including the new METRONET stations and the Bayswater Structure Plan.

In January 2023 the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage approved the draft Local Planning Strategy to be released for public review. On 26 April 2023 Council approved the advertising of the Strategy.

The Strategy was advertised for a period of 42 days from 8 May 2023 to 19 June 2023, during which time 39 submissions were received. In light of the submissions received a number of modifications were proposed to the Strategy.

On 26 March 2024 Council adopted the Local Planning Strategy. A copy of the minutes is available here.

On 15 January 2025 the Western Australian Planning Commission endorsed the City's Local Planning Strategy. The Strategy is available here

What's next

The final adopted Strategy will inform the review of City’s Town Planning Scheme No. 24 and development of a new Local Planning Scheme.


The Local Planning Strategy will enable the City to plan for the future (in identified areas) and further investigate zoning changes to facilitate growth through amendments to its Town Planning Scheme and the development of Structure Plans/ Precinct Plans over the next 10+ years.

The strategy considers housing diversity, demographics, transport and infrastructure, employment and the economy, community infrastructure, and the natural environment; and their impact on providing for 15,750 additional dwellings by 2050. The strategy directs growth to preferred areas (in activity centres, around train stations, and other areas where increased activity may be viable) that were mapped during the Building Bayswater Community Engagement between 2017 and 2018, and that have been directed by the State Government between 2018 and 2023. These have also been shaped by changes including the new METRONET stations and the Bayswater Structure Plan.

In January 2023 the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage approved the draft Local Planning Strategy to be released for public review. On 26 April 2023 Council approved the advertising of the Strategy.

The Strategy was advertised for a period of 42 days from 8 May 2023 to 19 June 2023, during which time 39 submissions were received. In light of the submissions received a number of modifications were proposed to the Strategy.

On 26 March 2024 Council adopted the Local Planning Strategy. A copy of the minutes is available here.

On 15 January 2025 the Western Australian Planning Commission endorsed the City's Local Planning Strategy. The Strategy is available here

What's next

The final adopted Strategy will inform the review of City’s Town Planning Scheme No. 24 and development of a new Local Planning Scheme.