Waste Management (FOGO)

What did you tell us?
We had a great response from Bayswater residents, with 647 people taking the time to fill in the survey. Thank you!
What we heard was waste management and sustainability is important to nearly 75% of respondents and most people with access to FOGO are using the system. Not everybody is equally confident using it. Many more people (80%) are confident they know what can be put in the red-lidded bin than they are about what can be put in the yellow recycling bin (63%), and 80% confident in using their lime green FOGO bin, suggesting a need to refresh community knowledge. Click here to read more!
Winners of the two $50 Enviro House vouchers have been contacted.
Share your Food Organics Garden Organics (FOGO) journey and understanding of the City's waste management services and help us to improve our waste education and communication, and further reduce waste to landfill.
The City of Bayswater introduced the 3-bin FOGO waste system in March 2021, allowing for food and garden waste to be put in a FOGO bin and collected each week. With this system general waste and recycling bins are collected fortnightly.
In the 3 years since FOGO collections commenced, City of Bayswater households and businesses have diverted more than 30,000 tonnes of FOGO materials from landfill. Which is a great result for our planet.
We would like to learn more about the use of your kerbside bins, and how you currently utilise other waste management services offered by the City. We are asking for this information through a short 10-minute survey below. Please complete the survey to help us understand where we're at with FOGO in the City.
How to get involved
We would like to hear from all residents, including those that have moved into the City in the last three years and who may be new to the FOGO system.
You can complete the online survey below, or pop into one of the City's libraries or Civic Centre to complete a hard copy.
As a thank you for completing the survey below, two residents will be randomly selected to win a $50 voucher to Enviro House. Environment House is a Bayswater-local environmental organisation selling a range of products to help reduce waste at home.
Please note that the survey closed on July 5 2024 at 5pm.