Carramar Community Centre Features of the design – • Multi-age users – features to suit various user groups, including church groups, seniors, playgroups, children’s parties, local children of different ages • Sand play - small sand pit (separate to sand fall zone) with log and boulder border for balancing challenge; filled with river quartz which offers more diverse sand play opportunities • Monkey bars – older children enjoy using monkey bars in a variety of ways: hanging, swinging, sitting on top, jumping off, all of which helps develop physical skills • Rollover bars – older children can practice their gymnastics; younger children like to hang from the bars which helps to develop upper body strength • Journey trail – the block wall, granite boulders, jarrah log, sleepers and steppers invite exploration and provide opportunities for developing core strength, balance and coordination • Proposed trees – trees for natural shade, to attract native birds and provide ongoing natural loose parts for children’s play • Extension of mulched garden bed – the existing shrubs and small trees provide a cosy green cubby or hidey space; and we recommend a light prune to provide a clear invitation for children to enter • Adult amenity – formal and informal seating and perching places; and additional trees for natural shade.