The City's biggest community consultation program ever
The City of Bayswater is undertaking the biggest community consultation program in the municipality's history in an effort to shape the future of the City.
"It's the biggest consultation we've ever done," Mayor terry Kenyon said. "To serve the community, you have to know what they want and we've got a lot of residents we don't hear from, so this will give them an opportunity to tell us what they want Bayswater to become over the next ten years."
The community have a chance to have their say at community meetings, listening booths, logging onto our Bayswater Bright Futures website or filling in a paper leaf and hanging it on a Listening Tree at the RISE, Bayswater Library, Morley Library, the Civic Centre or Bayswater Waves.
To RSVP to community workshops or to recieve further information please call 9272 0622 or email
Consultation has concluded