- access the services of, and any event by, the City
- access City buildings and facilities
- access information from the City
- receive the same level and quality of service from employees of the City
- make complaints to the City
- participate in public consultation with the City, and
- obtain and maintain employment with the City.
- the LGBTQIA+ focus group.
- and/or the disability focus group.
- or the focus group that is open to all community members.
- total or partial loss of the person’s bodily or mental functions
- total or partial loss of a part of the body
- the presence in the body of organisms causing disease or illness
- the presence in the body of organisms capable of causing disease or illness
- the malfunction, malformation or disfigurement of a part of the person’s body
- a disorder or malfunction that results in the person learning differently from a person without the disorder or malfunction, or
- a disorder, illness or disease that affects a person’s thought processes, perception of reality, emotions or judgment or that results in disturbed behaviour.
- presently exists
- previously existed but no longer exists
- may exist in the future (including because of a genetic predisposition to that disability), or
- is imputed to a person.
What is an Access and Inclusion Plan?
The Access and Inclusion Plan (AIP) takes an expanded approach from the Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) towards creating a more accessible and inclusive community for all people.
The Plan benefits not only people with disability, but the wider community, including older people and families with infants and young children using prams.
Why does the City of Bayswater need a plan to improve access and inclusion?
The Access and Inclusion Plan (AIP) is a legislative requirement under the Western Australian Disability Services Act (1993) (the Act). This requires all local governments to review their AIPs at least every five years. The Act requires local governments to lodge their Access and Inclusion Plan to the Department of Communities, and, at the end of each financial year, to provide a report on implementation of their AIP.
Achievements that support access and inclusion are reported in the City's Annual Report which is available at www.bayswater.wa.gov.au.
What did the previous Access and Inclusion Plan look like?
The Access and Inclusion Plan 2020-2024 built upon the work already achieved by the City in its efforts to ensure people with disability and people from diverse backgrounds have the same opportunities as other people to:
I identify as more than one of the target groups - which focus group should I attend?
Community members may attend any and all focus groups that they feel resonate with their experience.
For example, someone who identifies as part of the LGBTQIA+ community and is a person with disability may decide to attend:
Will this survey be provided in alternative formats?
This survey is available online and in hardcopy and in Large Print. The survey is also available in Easy English, which can be printed out for completion and returned to the City of Bayswater via email.
To take the survey over the phone or for other accessibility requirements, contact the City on 9272 0622 or inclusion@bayswater.wa.gov.au
What is the definition of disability?
Disability, in relation to a person, is defined as:
This includes a disability that:
A disability that is otherwise covered by this definition includes behaviour that is a symptom or manifestation of the disability (Disability Discrimination Act 1992).
What is the definition of access?
Access is when people have permission, choice and the ability to enter, transport to or interact with a thing, place, or person (Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021 – 2031).
What is the definition of inclusion?
Inclusion is when everyone in a group is involved and respected. Diversity is celebrated and things can be changed to suit the needs and preferences of the individual (Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021 – 2031).
What is community development?
Community development is a process that helps communities to identify and address their own needs and priorities. The City of Bayswater Community Development team works with the community to empower people and create stronger and more connected communities.
What can I expect at the focus groups?
Focus groups are friendly and relaxed 1.5-hour sessions consisting of a small group of participants who will share their experiences and views on access and inclusion with an expert with lived experience, Glennys Marsden.
The session will begin with light refreshments and a brief introduction from Glennys and the City of Bayswater. Glennys will ask a few questions about access and inclusion around different topics. Participants are welcome to comment on any of the following topics: buildings and facilities, services and events, information, customer service, complaints, public consultation, and employment. Questions will be around your experience of these areas, and how they can be improved. Glennys will spend approximately 10 minutes on each topic.
Everything you share will remain confidential, and participants are welcome to take a break whenever they need. There will be opportunities throughout the session to clarify and ask questions.
Afterwards, Glennys and the City will end the session with a brief conclusion.