Temporary and Minor Development Policy Modifications
The City’s Temporary and Minor Development Policy aims to streamline the development application process by identifying characteristics and types of development which are considered minor in nature and do not require planning approval from the City.
What modifications are proposed?
The draft amended Policy seeks to improve its effectiveness and readability.
Proposed amendments include:
A new definition for 'small in scale' to define development that the City may or may not consider under this policy.
Alfresco dining on public thoroughfares removed from the policy. Alfresco dining is already separately covered by the City's Thoroughfares and Public Places Local Law and requires approval of the City's Environmental Health department.
Other modifications to bring the policy in line with the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015
Further information, including a full summary of amendments, are included in the report from the Ordinary Council Meeting on 28 January 2025.
How to get involved
Submissions on the amended Temporary and Minor Development Policy can be made by filling out the submission form below.
Submissions close Friday 28 March2025.
Next steps
Following the consultation period, the City will consider all submissions. A report will then be prepared and presented to Council in the following months for final consideration of the Policy.
The City’s Temporary and Minor Development Policy aims to streamline the development application process by identifying characteristics and types of development which are considered minor in nature and do not require planning approval from the City.
What modifications are proposed?
The draft amended Policy seeks to improve its effectiveness and readability.
Proposed amendments include:
A new definition for 'small in scale' to define development that the City may or may not consider under this policy.
Alfresco dining on public thoroughfares removed from the policy. Alfresco dining is already separately covered by the City's Thoroughfares and Public Places Local Law and requires approval of the City's Environmental Health department.
Other modifications to bring the policy in line with the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015
Further information, including a full summary of amendments, are included in the report from the Ordinary Council Meeting on 28 January 2025.
How to get involved
Submissions on the amended Temporary and Minor Development Policy can be made by filling out the submission form below.
Submissions close Friday 28 March2025.
Next steps
Following the consultation period, the City will consider all submissions. A report will then be prepared and presented to Council in the following months for final consideration of the Policy.
Temporary and Minor Development Policy Modifications has finished this stage
At its Ordinary Council Meeting held 28 January 2025, Council adopted for public advertising the modified Temporary and Minor Development Policy.
Community Engagement
Temporary and Minor Development Policy Modifications is currently at this stage
The modified Temporary and Minor Development Policy will be advertised to the community for comment until Friday 28 March2025.
Under Review
this is an upcoming stage for Temporary and Minor Development Policy Modifications
Following the conclusion of the public advertising period a report addressing the outcomes of public advertising will be presented to Council for consideration.
Final Council Decision
this is an upcoming stage for Temporary and Minor Development Policy Modifications