Wattle Park, Morley
Consultation has concluded

Wattle Park is located on Wattle Drive and Hovea Court in Morley. The City plans to redevelop this park, including replacing the play equipment, as it is at the end of its useful life. The park redevelopment is funded by the Australian Government's Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program.
The aim of this redevelopment is to improve the overall amenity of the reserve and facilitate use for all residents, including children’s play.
Guided by the City's Parks and Play Space Classification Hierarchy, an indicative concept plan for the redevelopment of the park has been developed. Both the concept plan and the classification hierarchy are available to view in the Document Library.
Community Input
The City has sought feedback from the community on a concept design, which was considered alongside technical advice, budget allocations and our hierarchy classification.
As part of the redevelopment the existing play equipment was renewed. To assist with the design for the new play space the City asked the community to provide input on how they use the park, and what they would like to see incorporated in the design. To find out more about the City's Play space Strategy please see the document library.
Through the engagement, the preference was to not retain the current basketball court, but instead install alternative community equipment such as an exercise station and kick-about sports goals. The basketball court was therefore removed and replaced with sports goals within the turfed grass space.
In line with community preference the play equipment includes swings, slides and climbing structures within a sand softfall. A shade sail will also be provided.
Park Concept Plan
Wattle Park is classified as a Neighbourhood park, and as such, the City has provided accessible pathways, park furniture and play space based on community input, for local residents to enjoy, within walking distance of their house.
Local tree species were planted throughout the reserve to provide natural shade cover. The Parks and Gardens team hydro-zoned some areas of the park, as indicated on the concept plan. To find out more about the types of plants planted in Wattle Park, refer to the Zone 1 Plant Palette within the City's Garden and Planting Guideline in the Document Library.
The engagement results have been analysed and a report is available to view in the Document Library. Results informed the final concept plan, which is also available to view in the Document Library.
How can I get involved?
The community engagement period for this project has now closed. Thank you to everyone who contributed feedback on the concept plans and attended park sessions.
What's next?
The Wattle Park redevelopment is completed.