Amendment No.76 -Limitation of Discretionary Powers
Consultation has concluded
The use of existing clause 8.2 - Discretion to Modify Development Standards - of the City's Town Planning Scheme No.24, has resulted in building height related outcomes, regarded as uncharacteristic of specific areas of the City, more specifically 'Special Control Areas' and the 'Activity Centre Zone.' The Scheme amendment proposed a limitation to the use of discretion in relation to height by decision makers, including the Joint Development Assessment Panel, in considering planning applications.
The scheme amendment was subsequently refused by the WAPC (see documents section).
The use of existing clause 8.2 - Discretion to Modify Development Standards - of the City's Town Planning Scheme No.24, has resulted in building height related outcomes, regarded as uncharacteristic of specific areas of the City, more specifically 'Special Control Areas' and the 'Activity Centre Zone.' The Scheme amendment proposed a limitation to the use of discretion in relation to height by decision makers, including the Joint Development Assessment Panel, in considering planning applications.