Temporary Road Closures for Bayswater Train Station
Consultation has now ended.
Further information is available on the METRONET Website.

On 15 February 2023, the Minister for Transport, the Hon. Rita Saffioti, announced a 26-day closure of the Midland and Airport rail lines; from Friday 31 March to Wednesday 26 April 2023.
This closure is required to enable essential construction works for the METRONET new Bayswater Train Station and Morley-Ellenbrook Line projects. During the closure intensive works will take place; operating 24/7.
The Bayswater Train Station will be closed during this period and will remain closed to September 2023 to complete platform works for the new station. During this period, Transperth will provide rail replacement buses and METRONET will offer a free shuttle service between Meltham and Bayswater stations.
To ensure the new Bayswater Train Station works are undertaken in a safe and efficient manner, road closures need to be implemented. METRONET will provide affected residents with notification of the closures shortly.
Further to a number of short-term road closures, a long-term closure of a portion of Railway Parade is proposed.
In accordance with section 3.50 of the Local Government Act 1995, Council will consider a request to grant approval for the temporary closure of Railway Parade between Coode Street and Drake Street, Bayswater, for a period of approximately 15 months from 24 March 2023 to commence the following works:
- Construction of two additional new bridges;
- Installation of a new water main and decommissioning the existing;
- Construction of new bus interchange;
- Construction of new road layout including Beechboro Road South tie-in to Whatley Crescent;
- Installation of new drainage underground tanks; and
- Landscaping works.
Further information is available on the METRONET Website.
Community engagement
The City acknowledges these ongoing closures are disruptive and frustrating to residents, businesses and motorists, however are necessary to ensure these major projects are completed as efficiently and safely as possible.
Prior to Council formally considering the proposed 15 month closure of Railway Parade, we invite comments from the public.
You can provide comments in the form below, or can lodge a submission in writing with the Chief Executive Officer, PO Box 467, Morley WA, 6943 or email mail@bayswater.wa.gov.au
Closing day for comments is Friday 10 March 2023.
Comments received will be considered by Council at its Ordinary Meeting of 28 March 2023.