Shape Baysie - Major Review Strategic Community Plan 2019
Consultation has concluded

Help shape a bright future for our City by taking part in the major review of the City of Bayswater Strategic Community Plan.
What is the Strategic Community Plan?
The Strategic Community Plan (SCP) is the framework that guides everything we do at the City of Bayswater and ensures decision making is in line with community expectations. All Local Governments in Western Australia are required to have a ten-year SCP developed with the community to outline community vision and priorities. You can view the City's current 2017-2027 Strategic Community Plan in the document library.
Why review the Strategic Community Plan?
The development and review of a SCP is a statutory requirement of the State Government’s Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework. The Local Government Act requires the SCP to have a minor review every two years and a full review every four years to ensure it's relevance and responsiveness.
What engagement took place to inform the new Strategic Community Plan?
During the first stage of community engagement, we asked two questions - what does being part of the City of Bayswater community mean to you and what you would like us to do in the future? We gathered input from a wide range of community members at local community events, at our libraries, at local schools and online. You can check out some of the feedback we received in the Ideas Board tab below.
The second stage of engagement involved a series of community workshops undertaken in June, most of which were held online via Zoom, to enable people to gather together and provide input during a time of physical distancing. Alongside these workshops we invited people to complete an online or hard copy Kitchen Conversation Kit. All of the information gathered was considered alongside the City's key strategic commitments and informed the development of the draft Strategic Community Plan 2021 - 2031. A snapshot of engagement outcomes is available here.
In the third stage of engagement the City invited feedback on the Draft SCP document.
At the Ordinary Council Meeting on 25 May 2021, Council adopted the new Strategic Community Plan 2021-2031. This formed the culmination of a major review of the plan
How will the Strategic Community Plan be used?
The Strategic Community Plan ensures that decisions made reflect the wishes of those who live and work here. It helps us understand what is important to you, how you want the City to look and what you want us to achieve.
The Corporate Business Plan activates the Strategic Community Plan by integrating resourcing plans and specific Council plans with the Strategic Community Plan. The City is currently reviewing it's Corporate Business Plan to respond to the Strategic Community Plan 2021-2031.