Riverside Gardens Urban Forest
Consultation has concluded

The City has partnered with Greening Australia to create an urban forest at Riverside Gardens East in Bayswater, located between Eric Singleton Bird Sanctuary and Memorial Drive, extending north to King William Street and south to the fenced dog exercise area.
This project will see the conversion of an area of open grassland to a natural area reflective of vegetation that exists on site, and throughout the Swan Coastal Plain and Darling Scarp.
The Urban Forest project has received both State and Federal funding as follows:
- The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries has provided a funding commitment of $1,000,000 to assist the City in delivering the project.
- The City has also secured a grant of $570,000 from the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation and Water Corporation via the Gnangara Waterwise Councils Grants Program.
- The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions is providing $233,147 in funding for the project with $150,000 via the Community Rivercare Program and $83,147 via the Swan Canning Riverpark Urban Forest program.
- The Federal Government via Patrick Gorman, Assistant Minister for Western Australia and Federal Member for Perth has invested $200,000 into the project. This funding stream is being provided by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water and is funnelled by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions.
Based on the outcomes of the Site Analysis and Stage 1 Stakeholder Engagement, Greening Australia prepared a draft Concept Design for the urban forest.
The draft Concept Design included additional landscaping, revegetation and trees, a new and upgraded path network, quiet grassed picnic nodes, new furniture and amenities, as well as various opportunities for interaction, interpretation and education.
The draft Concept Design underwent an internal review process by the City and key stakeholders, and a presentation to Council.
A second stage of community engagement was undertaken to collect feedback on the draft Concept Design, which has now concluded.
Outcomes have informed the preparation of the final Concept Design by Greening Australia.
The final Concept Design is now available to view as well as the outcomes from Stage 2 Community Engagement.
The detailed design is complete and the tender process for construction finalised. Work is planned to commence on site in January 2025.