When does the City have to review its Health Local Law?

    The Local Government Act 1995 requires local laws to be reviewed at least every eight years. The City commenced a review of its Health Local Laws 2001 in 2016, however was advised by the WA Department of Health at the time that it may be prudent to wait until the final stage of the new Public Health Act 2016 rollout, given that there were no significant issues identified with the local laws at the time. 

    It is understood that during this final stage, the WA Department of Health will work with local governments to develop new health local laws to cover matters that remain unregulated under the new Public Health Act 2016 and subsidiary legislation. However, the final stage of the Public Health Act 2016 rollout has been postponed several times as a result of COVID-19 and at this point in time it is uncertain when this will occur.

    Why is the City updating poultry limits on residential properties?

    These proposed numbers, together with the existing keeping of poultry requirements (i.e. the setbacks, enclosure size and roosting area m2/bird) will enable greater flexibility, while ensuring that public health standards are still maintained.

    Will the change in keeping poultry numbers effect me if I already have poultry on my property.

    The proposed change to a maximum of 20 poultry could potentially impact on existing properties.