Temporary road closure - Whatley Crescent

The temporary closure of Whatley Crescent (west), Bayswater, to vehicular traffic, from King William Street to Garratt Road, is required as part of the construction works for the rail network and installation of underground services associated with the redevelopment of the Bayswater Train Station.
The contractor requesting the closure, Evolve Bayswater, has indicated that a full closure of Whatley Crescent from King William Street to Garratt Road will result in the necessary works being completed in a significantly shorter timeframe.
The works are extensive and are proposed to be completed in three phases:
- Phase 1 - consists of aContinue reading
The temporary closure of Whatley Crescent (west), Bayswater, to vehicular traffic, from King William Street to Garratt Road, is required as part of the construction works for the rail network and installation of underground services associated with the redevelopment of the Bayswater Train Station.
The contractor requesting the closure, Evolve Bayswater, has indicated that a full closure of Whatley Crescent from King William Street to Garratt Road will result in the necessary works being completed in a significantly shorter timeframe.
The works are extensive and are proposed to be completed in three phases:
- Phase 1 - consists of a full closure of Whatley Crescent to vehicular traffic for the entire distance from Garratt Road to King William Street. This is required from 4 October 2021 to 18 December 2021.
- Phase 2 – extending the full closure of Whatley Crescent to vehicular traffic for the entire distance from Garratt Road to King William Street to include the King William Street, Coode Street intersection. This will be required from 4 November 2021 to 22 November 2021.
- Phase 3 – extending the full closure of Whatley Crescent to vehicular traffic for the entire distance from Garratt Road to King William Street to include the King William Street, Coode Street intersection. This will be required from 27 November 2021 to 15 December 2021
During the closure period pedestrian and cyclist movements along the subject section of roadway will be retained.
Further information is available in the Traffic Management Report in the document library. Images of the proposed closure are available in the Photo library.
Community engagement
Prior to considering the proposal Council sought community feedback, 112 submissions were received. The feedback collected has been analysed and reported to Council, along with recommendations for the closure. To access the full report, including engagement feedback on pp 19-28, please see the Council agenda item.
Temporary closure of Whatley Crescent (west), Bayswater
Council, at its Ordinary Meeting of 29 June 2021, considered the matter and resolved as follows: Council
1. Conditionally endorses the temporary closure to all vehicles of the following portions of Whatley Crescent, Bayswater:
(a) Full closure of the road from Garratt Road to King William Street between 4 October 2021 to 18 December 2021, and
(b) Full closure of the road including the King William Street and Coode Street intersection from 4 November 2021 to 22 November 2021 and from 27 November 2021 to 15 December 2021.
2. Advises Evolve Bayswater that the endorsement is subject to the implementation of the following temporary traffic measures at their cost to the satisfaction of the City during the closure period:
(a) Right turn phase to be incorporated in the signal phase for King William Street (Southbound) leg turning right onto Guildford Road at the King William Street and Guildford Road intersection (subject to Main Roads WA approval and at the cost of Evolve Bayswater);
(b) Right turn movement to be permitted on Guildford Road (Westbound) turning right onto Garratt Road at the Garratt Road and Guildford Road intersection (subject to Main Roads WA approval and at the cost of Evolve Bayswater);
(c) Temporary speed plateaus or alternative traffic calming measures to be installed along Roberts Road, Murray Street and Almondbury Street; and
(d) Temporary traffic signals or an alternative treatment to be installed at the King William Street and Olfe Street intersection.
3. Advises Evolve Bayswater that the endorsement is subject to the City of Bayswater receiving a written confirmation from the State Government that they are committed to fund and implement the needed improvements to the King William Street and Guildford Road intersection (including the installation of a right turn lane west approach on Guildford Road and upgrading the current pedestrian facilities) during the 2021-22 financial year, and as per the State Government commitment from 2018 as part of the Black Spot Program."
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Temporary road closure - Whatley Crescent has finished this stageThis consultation is open for contributions.
Under Review
Temporary road closure - Whatley Crescent has finished this stageContributions to this consultation are closed for evaluation and review.
Final report
Temporary road closure - Whatley Crescent is currently at this stageThe final outcomes of the consultation will be included in a report to Council at the Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday 29 June, and reported here.
Who's Listening
Phone 9272 0432 Email mail@bayswater.wa.gov.au