The City of Bayswater is currently preparing a new Local Planning Scheme to guide development and implement change as the City grows.
The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) recently approved the City's first Local Planning Strategy; the Strategy provides long-term planning direction and actions to manage growth and development within the City over the next 15 years. The Local Planning Scheme sits under the Strategy and is the legal document which implements the Strategy's vision.
As a first step the City must bring the current Town Planning Scheme into alignment with State Government requirements. To start the process the City made a recommendation to WAPC to commence preparation of a new Local Planning Scheme; which was formally approved by them in January 2025.
Next Steps
The City will now prepare a draft Local Planning Scheme in accordance with the State Government's Model Provisions for Local Planning Schemes. Once prepared it will be presented to Council, and the Western Australian Planning Commission for approval to advertise.
This page will be updated as the project progresses.
If you would like updates please register by clicking the SUBSCRIBE button in the menu.
The City of Bayswater is currently preparing a new Local Planning Scheme to guide development and implement change as the City grows.
The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) recently approved the City's first Local Planning Strategy; the Strategy provides long-term planning direction and actions to manage growth and development within the City over the next 15 years. The Local Planning Scheme sits under the Strategy and is the legal document which implements the Strategy's vision.
As a first step the City must bring the current Town Planning Scheme into alignment with State Government requirements. To start the process the City made a recommendation to WAPC to commence preparation of a new Local Planning Scheme; which was formally approved by them in January 2025.
Next Steps
The City will now prepare a draft Local Planning Scheme in accordance with the State Government's Model Provisions for Local Planning Schemes. Once prepared it will be presented to Council, and the Western Australian Planning Commission for approval to advertise.
This page will be updated as the project progresses.
If you would like updates please register by clicking the SUBSCRIBE button in the menu.