Proposed gating of PAW - Lee Place & Widgee Rd, Noranda
This consultation is now closed
The City is seeking input from the community on the proposed gating of the Pedestrian Accessway (PAW) between Lee Place and Widgee Road, Noranda.
The City received a request to install gates at each entrance of the PAW due to an increase in suspicious behaviour in the area surrounding the PAW and multiple break-ins at a property located near the PAW. Gating the PAW may assist in a reduction in criminal and anti-social behaviour by limiting access provided by the PAW at night, the gates would be locked each evening and unlocked each morning.
As per the policy for gating if there is unanimous support from adjoining landowners, a report outlining all community submissions will be presented to Council for consideration. If unanimous support is not achieved the matter will be closed.
How to get involved
The City asks residents to provide feedback on the proposed gating in the following ways:
- Complete the online form below;
- Request a hard copy form by contacting or visit one of the City's libraries;
- Email comments to; or
- Via post to the Chief Executive Officer, City of Bayswater, PO Box 467, Morley WA 6943.
Please note that the survey has now closed.
A report was presented to Council the 24 September 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting, where it was resolved to not proceed with the gating, can be found here. Instead, the City will consider the allocation of funding for the supply and installation of solar bollard lighting along the PAW as part of the 2025/26 budget process and in the meantime, the City will undertake pruning of the verge tree at 7 Lee Place to increase visibility at the entrance of the PAW.