Noranda Nook Nature Play Space
Consultation has concluded

Noranda Nook is a public open space in the Noranda Sporting Complex, located next to the Noranda Hawaiian Shopping Centre and adjacent to the Morley Noranda Recreation Club. The City will be installing a new nature-play focused playground in this space in the upcoming months after the concept plan has been publicly displayed. This development has been driven by the City to improve activation in the Noranda town centre.
The proposal for a nature play space to be introduced at this space was first approved in the City's 2019/20 budget but was carried over into 2020/21 with additional funding from the City's Local Economic and Social Stimulus Package, granted to boost the play space with extra features.
The aim of the park redevelopment is to activate this public space and provide a focal point for community members to meet and interact, building community networks and informal support systems. The Noranda Nook inclusive play space invites community members of varying age and ability to come together and enjoy this space. It will support flow of movement to, from and within the space to connect with the surrounding area.
Nature Play Solutions are the City's chosen designer, after going out to tender, for the nature play space and have been working with the City in developing a design.
Community engagement
In 2019/20 community engagement was completed to ascertain community preferences for new types of play space infrastructure in the Noranda Sporting Complex. Engagement results (available to view on the right) found community preference for any new play spaces in the Noranda Sporting Complex to be nature focused and include creative play features which incorporate water and sand elements.
In developing the design for the Noranda Nook Nature Play Space the City has been collaborating with local town team Noranda Vibes whose advice and comments has helped with the final design and layout for the space.
The City has also consulted with local key stakeholders to gauge their views on the proposed designs including the Morley Noranda Recreation Club, as well as on ground engagement with locals at the Noranda Nook and Robert Thompson reserve in mid December 2021 and mid January 2021.
An concept plan for Noranda Nook Nature Play Space has been guided by the City's Parks and Play Space Classification Hierarchy and revised several times in response to comments and concerns raised during engagement with key stakeholders.
The final concept plan is available to view here.
The Nook playground will introduce the following new equipment and features to this space:
- A sand pit
- A raised water creek fountain to flow into the sand pit.
- Tornado Swing
- Bush poles & stilts
- Rain Wheel
In addition the proposed plan will introduce new native planting, logs, boulders and mulch throughout the area. The surface is to be covered with compacted gravel bound with dirt glue and a new concrete kerb to surround the perimeter of the playground to allow for increased access.
For more information and the considerations taken into account for the proposed design please see the FAQs
What's next?
The City has considered all feedback, made adjustments to the concept plan and finalised the play equipment design, which can be viewed in the photo gallery to the right of the page.
The nature playground is planned to be installed between June to August 2021.
If you have any questions or queries about the park development you can get in touch with the City's Place Manager for Noranda at