Meltham Surrounds Community Panel

Since February 2019, the City has been working with the community on their expectations, ideas and aspirations for the built environment in the area surrounding Meltham Station.
As part of this project we established a Community Panel, made up of a random and representative selection of stakeholders from the area.
This group of 26 community members gathered on Saturday 18, Sunday 19 and Saturday 25 May 2019 to provide advice to Council on community preferences on building heights, setbacks, development rules and the community’s vision for the area.
Over these three half-days, they considered ideas and feedback that arose during the broader engagement, and heard from industry professionals on relevant topics.
A summary report of the engagement process and key outcomes is being prepared and will be added to the document library soon.
A full recommendations report is being prepared and will likely be presented to Council in the near future.
Thanks to everyone who expressed their interest to be involved in the community panel and to those who participated, volunteering their time to help us reach some great outcomes.
Consultation has concluded