Masterplan tender awarded

At its July meeting, Council voted unanimously to award the Maylands Lakes Environmental Restoration Masterplan tender to Alluvium Consulting.

Alluvium Consulting provides catchment, river and coastal analysis and advice, designing strategies and devising practical solutions to issues associated with natural and built environments.

Awarding the tender fulfills one of a range of new actions endorsed by Council for the City to undertake in its efforts to address environmental conditions at Maylands Lakes.

In April, Council endorsed the scope for the Maylands Lakes Environmental Restoration Masterplan, which was broadened to include the option to investigate mechanical pumping and filtration. Other options, including relevant case studies, will also be considered during the Masterplan process.

Development of the Masterplan will span the following 12 to 18 months, with stages including data review, stakeholder and community engagement, preliminary concept development, and detailed design.

In addition to stakeholder and community engagement, members of the Maylands Lakes Scientific Advisory Panel will oversee the development of the Masterplan.

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