Kennedy Reserve Play Space Upgrade

Consultation has concluded


Kennedy Park is a Pocket Park located in Morley. The existing play equipment has reached the end of its useful life and will be replaced mid-2024.

How will the play space be redeveloped?

The City will focus on providing essential elements for recreational use to foster a more welcoming and functional environment. The Play Space Site Plan provides a visual representation of the play space size and layout.

The indicative concept plan is now available and ready to be viewed in the document library.

Kennedy Reserve play space is OPEN to the public. 


Kennedy Park is a Pocket Park located in Morley. The existing play equipment has reached the end of its useful life and will be replaced mid-2024.

How will the play space be redeveloped?

The City will focus on providing essential elements for recreational use to foster a more welcoming and functional environment. The Play Space Site Plan provides a visual representation of the play space size and layout.

The indicative concept plan is now available and ready to be viewed in the document library.

Kennedy Reserve play space is OPEN to the public.