The redevelopment of Gibbney Reserve in Maylands is underway, after a smoking ceremony was held to bless the site prior to construction commencing.
In November 2021, the City engaged with local residents and park users to find out what the community hoped to see in the new play space design. When developing its Place Space Strategy in 2018, the City also worked with students from nearby Maylands Peninsula Primary School to learn what their dream play space would look like at the reserve.
Based on this feedback, the City developed the final concept plan which focused on improving connectivity, accessibility and play for park users.
Children will be able to swing, slide and play at a new nature play precinct on the southern side of the reserve. A carousel and swing set, play mounds and bouncers, slide, sand play and a hammock will delight children of all ages. The new play space will be protected with shade sails and complemented by community facilities such as a picnic shelter, seating, barbecue, bike racks and a drink fountain.
Exercise equipment will be installed under new shade sails using the existing shade sails, and native tree planting will offer additional shade for reserve users. For those seeking to switch off, a quiet seating area will be available for users in the shady northern end of the park.
New accessible connecting pathways and realignment of the footpath along Queen Street have also been incorporated into the design based on community feedback.
The place space is expected to open in late September in time for the school holidays.
The project is funded by the Australian Government's Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program.
Consultation has concluded