Environment and Liveability Framework
Consultation has concluded

The City acknowledges the need to be more strategic in light of upcoming challenges such as climate change, community expectations, population growth and emerging technologies. That is why we are developing an ‘Environment and Liveability Framework’ that will guide the City’s actions in the areas of natural environment and built form over the next 25 years.
The Framework will anticipate projects and policies required to work towards a future that better integrates the natural and built environments. It will help us to deliver quality green spaces and more sustainable lifestyles, support infrastructure and create more desirable streetscapes and buildings.
We do not want to create this Framework in isolation and believe that local experts should inform the Framework to ensure it aligns with community sentiment and contemporary thinking.
How can I get involved?
The City has recently established a group of volunteers who are local residents with significant professional experience and qualifications in their fields. The group will work with the City to co-write the Environment and Liveability Framework, focusing on 12 key themes.
The community will be invited to further contribute to the project, including an upcoming survey of the City's Engage Bayswater Panel.
Further information on the project and 12 themes are contained in the Project Brief, located in the document library.
Project Complete
View the Environment and Liveability Framework document.