Dog Exercise Area Review
Consultation has concluded

We are currently reviewing existing and potential dog exercise areas in the City of Bayswater in order to accommodate increasing demand and improve public amenity.
What is a dog exercise area?
The City of Bayswater has a large number of dog exercise areas where your dog can run without the restrictions of a lead. Although the City provides these areas, we seek to educate and remind dog owners of their responsibilities when using these areas as they are also used by the general public and other activities. While off the lead we require for dog(s) to be under the control of a responsible person at all times and that dog(s) do not cause a nuisance to other park users.
Why is the City of Bayswater reviewing these areas?
- There are already 5678 registered dogs in the City of Bayswater. It is expected there will be an increase in the number of dogs within the district as a result of in-fill housing development.
- We are aware that there is sometimes overcrowding at existing dog exercise areas.
- Some community groups are actively seeking additional dog specific facilities at dog exercise areas.
- We are aware that dogs off leash near playgrounds, cycle paths and during sporting facilities can create concern.
- Residents that live near dog exercise areas may be adversely impacted by dog owner behaviour approaching and leaving parks.
- Some sensitive environmental areas and fauna are impacted by dogs off leash.
- Dog exercise areas are not always clearly signed.
What did we do?
To inform the review residents, park users, dog owners, cyclists, playground users, sporting clubs and others were invited to have their say during February 2018 . Rangers visited parks across the City, surveying the community on their thoughts, while the survey was also available here on Engage Bayswater.
Further engagement activities included;
- Representatives of different interest groups were invited to participate in a focus group to help identify shared solutions; and
- City staff from different operational areas contributed knowledge and expertise in a workshop.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the community engagement for the review of the dog exercise areas. We received 381 completed surveys as well as information collected at a focus group.
At the Council meeting on 22 May 2018, Council considered a report on the Dog Exercise Area review and decided to make no change to dog exercise areas within the City, except those outlined in the resolution. There will now be buffer zones around lakes, play grounds and car parks
To read the full Council resolution, please refer to Item 10.3 in the Council minutes, by clicking here.
Under the Dog Act 1976, Council is required to advertise by public notice, the intention to make any changes to dog exercise areas, as well as any public places that will be considered to be places where dogs are prohibited. This process is currently underway and Council will inform the community once these changes come in to effect. Please keep an eye on this page for further updates.