Community participation signals new budget process
Delivering a budget that balances the needs of an entire community, provides quality services and keeps rates as low as possible is the biggest challenge we face as a Council.
In an effort to gain a better understanding of the services our community value, this year Bayswater Council voted to adopt a participatory budgeting approach. As part of the process, the community were given an opportunity to provide input into the City’s entire operating budget.
By embracing participatory budgeting, we have stepped out of our comfort zone. In fact, we are the first metropolitan Council in WA to embark on this journey. We would like you to know that our efforts to include you in the decision making process are genuine.
To find out more, visit the City’s engagement portal at and download the Participatory Budgeting explained brochure. You will also find links to the City’s draft Budget 2019/20 and a full report of the recommendations made by the community panel.
On 2 July a meeting will be held at the Civic Centre to adopt the City’s annual budget. A meeting agenda will be available on the City’s website prior to the meeting.
Andrew Brien
Chief Executive Officer
Consultation has concluded