Blackboy Way Road Dedication

Consultation has concluded

Proposed Road Dedication – Reserve 41129 (Blackboy Way Reserve) 14 Blackboy Way, MORLEY WA 6062


The proposal was considered by Council at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 28 January 2025, where it was resolved that Council:

1. Requests the Minister for Lands to dedicate Crown Reserve 41129 as a road pursuant to s.56 of the Land Administration Act 1997, subject to:

 (a) Provision of vehicle access from Reserve 41129 to Beechboro Road North in a “left in - left-out” arrangement.

2. Complies with s.56(2) of the Land Administration Act 1997 by:

 (a) Preparing and delivering the request to the Minister in accordance with the Land Administration Regulations 1998; and

 (b) Providing the Minister with sufficient supporting information in a plan of survey, sketch plan or document to describe the dimensions of the proposed road as contained in Attachment 2 to this report.

3. Indemnifies the Minister for Lands against any claim for compensation related to the request, pursuant to s.56(4) of the Land Administration Act 1997.

4. Notes that any costs associated with making this request to the Minister for Lands, and all costs related to the construction of the road and associated infrastructure, shall be borne by the proponent.

5. Directs the Chief Executive Officer to recommend to the Western Australian Planning Commission, that a Construction Management Plan be required as a condition of the future subdivision and development of the ‘Roe Estate’. The Construction Management Plan shall detail how the construction of the development will be managed to minimise the impact on the surrounding area, require heavy vehicle access to be taken from Beechboro Road North, and stipulate that heavy vehicles shall not be permitted to access the site via Blackboy Way.

The Ordinary Council meeting minutes can be found here.


Updated 3 October 2024

The applicant has submitted a revised Transport Impact Assessment (TIA) as requested by the City. The Revised TIA updates the TIA submitted with the Roe Estate Structure Plan application to analyse the future performance of intersections surrounding the proposed Roe Estate. This analysis quantifies the impact of traffic generated by the residential development and proposed modifications to the road network. Click here for the Revised TIA.

Key findings of the Revised TIA are:

  • The existing road network has sufficient capacity to accommodate the additional traffic generated by the development;
  • Most intersections surrounding the development continue to perform adequately;
  • The intersection of Mahogany Road-Benara Road performs poorly now and in the future, with a marginal impact attributable to the residential development.

The owner of Lot 24 (No.463) Beechboro Road North and Lot 385 (No.18) Blackboy Way, Beechboro is seeking support from the City to dedicate Blackboy Way Reserve as a local road. This dedication is to support the redevelopment of the John Septimus Roe Anglican Community School, Beechboro to a residential area.

A recently advertised structure plan application to the City of Swan included a concept design for the proposed residential development, including a new road providing access to residential lots and to the wider residential development.

See map below for location of the proposed new road, and click here for the concept plan provided to the City of Swan for the development.

In order to facilitate access to the site, it is necessary for the reserve to be dedicated as a local road by the City and the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage.

Blackboy Way Reserve is currently owned by the State Government and managed by the owner of the adjacent land for the purposes of parking and public utilities. If dedicated as a local road, it will fall under the care and control of the City of Bayswater.

The final road design is subject to future planning and engineering approvals through the subdivision process and is not the subject of this consultation.

How to get involved

Submissions have now closed and this matter has been considered by Council.

Next Steps 

The applicant will present the request and the Council resolution to the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage for consideration by the Minister.

Proposed Road Dedication – Reserve 41129 (Blackboy Way Reserve) 14 Blackboy Way, MORLEY WA 6062


The proposal was considered by Council at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 28 January 2025, where it was resolved that Council:

1. Requests the Minister for Lands to dedicate Crown Reserve 41129 as a road pursuant to s.56 of the Land Administration Act 1997, subject to:

 (a) Provision of vehicle access from Reserve 41129 to Beechboro Road North in a “left in - left-out” arrangement.

2. Complies with s.56(2) of the Land Administration Act 1997 by:

 (a) Preparing and delivering the request to the Minister in accordance with the Land Administration Regulations 1998; and

 (b) Providing the Minister with sufficient supporting information in a plan of survey, sketch plan or document to describe the dimensions of the proposed road as contained in Attachment 2 to this report.

3. Indemnifies the Minister for Lands against any claim for compensation related to the request, pursuant to s.56(4) of the Land Administration Act 1997.

4. Notes that any costs associated with making this request to the Minister for Lands, and all costs related to the construction of the road and associated infrastructure, shall be borne by the proponent.

5. Directs the Chief Executive Officer to recommend to the Western Australian Planning Commission, that a Construction Management Plan be required as a condition of the future subdivision and development of the ‘Roe Estate’. The Construction Management Plan shall detail how the construction of the development will be managed to minimise the impact on the surrounding area, require heavy vehicle access to be taken from Beechboro Road North, and stipulate that heavy vehicles shall not be permitted to access the site via Blackboy Way.

The Ordinary Council meeting minutes can be found here.


Updated 3 October 2024

The applicant has submitted a revised Transport Impact Assessment (TIA) as requested by the City. The Revised TIA updates the TIA submitted with the Roe Estate Structure Plan application to analyse the future performance of intersections surrounding the proposed Roe Estate. This analysis quantifies the impact of traffic generated by the residential development and proposed modifications to the road network. Click here for the Revised TIA.

Key findings of the Revised TIA are:

  • The existing road network has sufficient capacity to accommodate the additional traffic generated by the development;
  • Most intersections surrounding the development continue to perform adequately;
  • The intersection of Mahogany Road-Benara Road performs poorly now and in the future, with a marginal impact attributable to the residential development.

The owner of Lot 24 (No.463) Beechboro Road North and Lot 385 (No.18) Blackboy Way, Beechboro is seeking support from the City to dedicate Blackboy Way Reserve as a local road. This dedication is to support the redevelopment of the John Septimus Roe Anglican Community School, Beechboro to a residential area.

A recently advertised structure plan application to the City of Swan included a concept design for the proposed residential development, including a new road providing access to residential lots and to the wider residential development.

See map below for location of the proposed new road, and click here for the concept plan provided to the City of Swan for the development.

In order to facilitate access to the site, it is necessary for the reserve to be dedicated as a local road by the City and the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage.

Blackboy Way Reserve is currently owned by the State Government and managed by the owner of the adjacent land for the purposes of parking and public utilities. If dedicated as a local road, it will fall under the care and control of the City of Bayswater.

The final road design is subject to future planning and engineering approvals through the subdivision process and is not the subject of this consultation.

How to get involved

Submissions have now closed and this matter has been considered by Council.

Next Steps 

The applicant will present the request and the Council resolution to the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage for consideration by the Minister.