Alf Brooks Park

Consultation has concluded

Alf Brooks Park is a Pocket park located on Frinton and Crowther Sts in Bayswater. The City plans to redevelop this park, including replacing the play equipment, as it is at the end of its useful life. This park redevelopment is part of the City's Local Economic and Social Stimulus Package, developed to fast track major projects and generate local employment to assist recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The aim of the park redevelopment is to improve the overall amenity of the park, through landscaping, new play equipment, ball court and park furniture, facilitating passive and recreational use by all residents and park users.

An indicative concept plan for Alf Brooks Park has been developed by a landscape architect, guided by the City's Parks and Play Space Classification Hierarchy. Both the concept plan and the classification hierarchy are available to view.

How can I get involved?

Thank you for your feedback on the concept plan. The engagement period has now closed.

What's next?

The City has considered all feedback, made adjustments to the concept plan and finalised the play equipment design, which can be viewed in the photo gallery to the right of the page. A new half court with dual netball / basketball post has been installed on the eastern side of the existing sandpit and new shade sails over the play equipment to protect against the sun.

The park redevelopment is complete and ready to be enjoyed by all.

Alf Brooks Park is a Pocket park located on Frinton and Crowther Sts in Bayswater. The City plans to redevelop this park, including replacing the play equipment, as it is at the end of its useful life. This park redevelopment is part of the City's Local Economic and Social Stimulus Package, developed to fast track major projects and generate local employment to assist recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The aim of the park redevelopment is to improve the overall amenity of the park, through landscaping, new play equipment, ball court and park furniture, facilitating passive and recreational use by all residents and park users.

An indicative concept plan for Alf Brooks Park has been developed by a landscape architect, guided by the City's Parks and Play Space Classification Hierarchy. Both the concept plan and the classification hierarchy are available to view.

How can I get involved?

Thank you for your feedback on the concept plan. The engagement period has now closed.

What's next?

The City has considered all feedback, made adjustments to the concept plan and finalised the play equipment design, which can be viewed in the photo gallery to the right of the page. A new half court with dual netball / basketball post has been installed on the eastern side of the existing sandpit and new shade sails over the play equipment to protect against the sun.

The park redevelopment is complete and ready to be enjoyed by all.