Engage Bayswater Panel Registration Form

Sign up to the Engage Bayswater Panel here!

Demographic information

The following information is used to understand who we are hearing from. Personal details are not used in the results of surveys - we will only use these to communicate with you directly. The Engage Bayswater Panel is open to residents, ratepayers and business owners aged 16 years and over.

Options are limited to
Maximum characters 255
Maximum characters 255
Maximum characters 255
Maximum characters 255
Maximum characters 255
Maximum characters 255
What is your gender?
How old are you? required
Do you speak a language other than English at home? required
Maximum characters 255
Are you involved in any community groups or organisations in the City of Bayswater?
This may be as a Committee member, volunteer or club member.
As part of the Engage Bayswater Panel you are required to commit to completing 6 surveys per year. Are you able to do this? required
Do you need a hard copy survey mailed to you?
Maximum characters 255

Please provide your contact details

Maximum characters 255
Maximum characters 255
Maximum characters 255
Please hold on while your response is being submitted