The play equipment in both Bohemia Park and Luderman Park has now reached the end of its safe, useful life. The City of Bayswater has $120,000 allocated between the two parks to replace the play equipment.
Due to the close proximity of the parks, the City has identified an opportunity to combine the funds and deliver an exciting, large-scale playground for the community at Luderman Park, whilst still maintaining a piece of play equipment at Bohemia Park. We would like our local community to tell us how these play spaces are being used, how you think we should split the allocated funding and what style of play equipment you would like to see. To see just how close the two parks are, view the map in the photo gallery.
The options for distributing the funds are;
50/50 split - Split the allocated funding in half, with each park receiving $60,000. This will essentially be a like-for-like replacement in both parks.
80/20 split- This would mean the majority of the funds being allocated to Luderman Park due to its size, community connectivity and verge car parking space available. This option means Bohemia Park would still maintain a small amount of play equipment aligned with the community's preference.
100% to Luderman Park - With this amount of funding, additional infrastructure such as shade sails, fencing and nature play elements could be achieved at Luderman Park. Bohemia Park would no longer have play equipment but would still include soft landscaping, park benches, shelters, and a water fountain.
Please note: The concept plans within the photo gallery are indicative examples of what the playground may look like and may not be an exact representation of the final equipment installed.
This survey has now closed.
Thank you to all who participated.
The play equipment in both Bohemia Park and Luderman Park has now reached the end of its safe, useful life. The City of Bayswater has $120,000 allocated between the two parks to replace the play equipment.
Due to the close proximity of the parks, the City has identified an opportunity to combine the funds and deliver an exciting, large-scale playground for the community at Luderman Park, whilst still maintaining a piece of play equipment at Bohemia Park. We would like our local community to tell us how these play spaces are being used, how you think we should split the allocated funding and what style of play equipment you would like to see. To see just how close the two parks are, view the map in the photo gallery.
The options for distributing the funds are;
50/50 split - Split the allocated funding in half, with each park receiving $60,000. This will essentially be a like-for-like replacement in both parks.
80/20 split- This would mean the majority of the funds being allocated to Luderman Park due to its size, community connectivity and verge car parking space available. This option means Bohemia Park would still maintain a small amount of play equipment aligned with the community's preference.
100% to Luderman Park - With this amount of funding, additional infrastructure such as shade sails, fencing and nature play elements could be achieved at Luderman Park. Bohemia Park would no longer have play equipment but would still include soft landscaping, park benches, shelters, and a water fountain.
Please note: The concept plans within the photo gallery are indicative examples of what the playground may look like and may not be an exact representation of the final equipment installed.
Bohemia Park and Luderman Park has finished this stage
Community consultation phase one is to review the way the community uses these play spaces and how these spaces will be used in the future. Phase one of the community consultation will be open for 21 days.
Community Consultation - Evaluation and Review
Bohemia Park and Luderman Park is currently at this stage
Contributions to this consultation are closed for evaluation and review. The Project team will report back on key outcomes.
Please see Consultation Summary report, when available.
Play space concept design
this is an upcoming stage for Bohemia Park and Luderman Park
The Project team will work with the contractor to develop a concept designs aligned with the feedback from the community.
Phase Two - Community Consultation
this is an upcoming stage for Bohemia Park and Luderman Park
Phase two of the community consultation will review the play equipment concept design based on the feedback received by the surveys completed within phase one.
Playground design approval
this is an upcoming stage for Bohemia Park and Luderman Park
The Project team will work with the contractor to approve and confirm the concept designs to proceed to manufacture.
Manufacturing of Playground Equipment
this is an upcoming stage for Bohemia Park and Luderman Park
October - December 2018
Installation of Playground Equipment
this is an upcoming stage for Bohemia Park and Luderman Park
January - March 2018
Playground Complete
this is an upcoming stage for Bohemia Park and Luderman Park